GExperts FAQ
- Under Delphi 7, the GExperts menu and the
component palette popup menus are too big to fit on
the screen!
The new Delphi menu system does not support menu
columns/breaks or scrolling. You'll need to either
increase your screen resolution, disable some
component packages, disable some GExperts experts, or
ask Borland to fix this limitation in the IDE.
- When will Kylix support be available?
Support for Kylix is not currently available. The
limitations and stability of the Kylix Open Tools/IDE
are issues and the time necessary to make the changes
to work under Linux is another issue. That said, you
are welcome to download
the latest source from CVS and see if you can help
convert GExperts to be compatible.
- Will you add a tool to GExperts that removes
unnecessary uses clause entries?
Removing "unused" uses clause entries may seem like
a simple task, but the feature would actually be quite
complex and and possibly dangerous to implement. Even
if a unit does not make use of classes/functions in a
given used unit, the initialization and finalization
sections in used units are sometimes performing
necessary work. If we were to ignore initialization
and finalization sections, we would still need to
implement the initial stages of a compiler up to the
point of creating a full symbol table to determine
what unit given identifiers map to, or deevlop units
to parse the undocumented and ever-changing DCU file
format. We would welcome any code contributions toward
this feature, but we don't have any plans to implement
ourselves it right now.
- Where can I get the Delphi 3.01/3.02 update
required for GExperts?
GExperts can not support Delphi 3.00-3.02 with the
same binary file, because Borland made incompatible
changes to a package between releases. You can check
the Borland
download page or their FTP site, but I
don't think they offer the 3.01 update anymore, so you
may need to locate a friend with the 3.01 update CD.
If you have 3.01 already, the 3.02 patches are
available at the link above. If you still can not find
the update you need, you will need to compile GExperts
yourself from the provided source
- How can I share a Code Librarian database over
the network?
GExperts 1.1 ClientDataSet (CodeDB.cds) database
can not be shared over a network unless you set the
file to be read-only. Download
the source code and compile it with BDE support if
you need this feature. The GExperts 1.0 Code Librarian
stores its data in a Paradox database. Sharing of
Paradox databases is governed by your BDE
configuration. The configuration setting is under BDE
Administrator, Configuration, Drivers, Native,
PARADOX, and is called "NET DIR". Set this to a shared
network directory location. See the BDE help file for
full details.
- I have multiple IDE versions on my system. How
do I install GExperts?
You should download all of the binary versions and
install them into separate directories. Technically,
you can install them into the same directory but some
non-critical files such as the standalone expert EXEs
will overwrite each other. To share data between
multiple GExperts installs, just set the "GExperts
storage directory" in the configuration dialog to a
shared location.
- Is there any chance of a GExperts for
JBuilder/Visual C++/etc.?
Not likely, since it would require a nearly
complete rewrite to support integration with other
- Why can't I use GExperts in a commercial
You've likely misinterpreted the intent of the GExperts
license. The restriction on usage in commercial or
proprietary products only applies to the GExperts
source code, not GExperts itself.
- Why isn't the Standard/Personal version of my
IDE fully supported?
The standard/personal editions of Delphi 5+ and
C++Builder 5+ do not have database support, which is
required for parts of GExperts. DLLs without the
database experts (Code Librarian and Code Proofreader)
included are available on the download
- What parts of GExperts work under
See the BCBNotes.txt file for complete details on
the restrictions while running under C++Builder.
Notably, GExperts does not contain a C++ parser, so
none of the functionality which relies on source code
parsing will work.
- How can I prevent errors about missing DLLs and
entry points when starting the IDE?
If you get errors that mention
"ComCtls.GetComCtlVersion@C43AB84F could not be
"@Controls@TSizeConstraints@SetConstraints$qqrii could
not be located", or "can't find wizard,'GExpertX.dll'"
then you are probably running under an older version
of your IDE. Please upgrade
to Delphi 3.02, Delphi 4.03, Delphi 5.01, or Delphi
For example, to check if you are running Delphi
3.02, look at the date/time of the VCL30.dpl file in
your system directory: 10/23/97 03:02a 1,287,088 vcl30.dpl Also,
all successful 3.02 patch installs have a
readme302.txt file in the root Delphi 3 directory.
- I've experienced crashes or
access violations that I think are due to GExperts.
How do I investigate or report this?
First see the known bugs section of the Readme to
see if you have found a known problem. If it isn't
there, be sure you are using the latest stable version
of GExperts. If you still want to investigate the
cause of the problem, you need to debug a GExperts
- Obtain
the latest GExperts source code.
- Remove any registry entries which load GExperts
DLLs into your IDE. Look in
(or similar).
- Start your IDE, and verify GExperts is not
- Read SourceCode.txt for instructions to compile
the GExperts DLL. Be sure to turn on debug
information, stack frames, reference info, and
assertions. Turn optimization off.
- Install the compiled DLL into your IDE manually
using the instructions in Readme.txt (again
- Select Run, Parameters from the IDE menu. Enter
the IDE's executable as the host application.
- Set breakpoints as appropriate in the GExperts
source files.
- Run the host application (F9), and another copy
of the IDE should appear with GExperts loaded.
- You can now debug the GExperts DLL as it was a
normal program (watches, breakpoints, inspections,
tooltip evaluation, etc.).
- Note that library debugging does not work well
in Delphi 4 and BCB 4. Both will lockup fairly often
when debugging DLLs and packages. Delphi 3/5/6 are
much more stable in this respect.
If you do not have the time or energy to debug the
DLL and find the problem, please attempt as much of
the following as possible:
Determine step-by-step instructions for duplicating
the problem and the text of the error message, if any.
Note the exact version of the IDE and the exact
GExperts version. Attempt to duplicate the problem
with the default (empty) project loaded or no project
loaded. Test the problem with all other experts
disabled. Duplicate the problem with all third party
packages unloaded. Note what windows you had open, the
active one, and what actions you had performed before
seeing the error. Send a full description of the test
results from above and the problem to the mailing list
or using the Feedback Wizard in the about box.
- Can I get GExperts for Delphi 1 or Delphi 2?
What about C++Builder 1 and 3?
An old and totally unsupported version of GExperts
is available for Delphi
2. GExperts will likely never will be available
for Delphi 1 or C++Builder 1. C++Builder 3 might work,
but you must recompile from the old
source code yourself.
- Is GExperts compatible with CodeRush?
CodeRush and GExperts work together fairly well
under Delphi 4+. They partially work together under
Delphi 3, but this isn't recommended. Under Delphi 3,
you will have the best luck if you disable the editor
experts, editor enhancements, and IDE enhancements.
- I want to contribute to the GExperts project.
What can I do to help?
See the Readme.txt file, and read through the known
bugs and future enhancements section. You can also
join the mailing list and make feature suggestions or
gather general feedback from there. Generally, it is
best to notify the mailing list before you begin work
on a major new feature, to prevent multiple people
from working on the same task. Also, please only make
modifications to the latest
source from CVS to make it easier for us to merge
in your changes.
As you code your new expert or feature, try to
follow the general formatting, layout, and style of
the existing GExperts source code. The best way to
learn this is to browse the existing source for a
while before you begin coding. The mailing list is
always available if you don't know where to start.
Also, there is a sample expert template and a sample
editor expert template in the SampleExperts directory.
If you are not interested in coding, you can also
assist with the help files and other documentation,
commenting on the user interface, or with testing.
- I get an unknown property error when loading
GExperts or a GExperts form.
If you are using an official pre-compiled GExperts
DLL, please notify me. If you are compiling from the
source code, see the notes in SourceCode.txt for help.
- How do I recompile the GExperts source
See SourceCode.txt for complete instructions. If
you have problems not explained there, join and then
consult the discussion mailing list.
- Why don't most of the Project Option Sets
settings work?
Many of the project options settings are surfaced
by the IDE's Open Tools interface, but they are not
hooked to any code that allows experts to get and set
the values. Most of these issues are fixed in Delphi
5.01 and C++Builder 5, but not all of them. If you
notice some options that have no effect when you apply
a project option set, you are likely experiencing this
IDE bug, so please upgrade. Settings that apparently
do not work in Delphi 5.00 include Assertions,
GenConsoleApp LocalSymbols, IOChecks, LongStrings,
Optimization, OverflowChecks, RangeChecks,
StackFrames, UnitDebugInfo, UnitAliases, TypedAddress,
SafeDivide, LibPath, LibraryList, ReferenceInfo,
PentiumFloat, LinkDebugVcl, ExtendedSyntax, DebugPath,
BoolEval, etc.
- Where does GExperts store its settings?
GExperts stores its settings under the IDE's
registry key. For example, under Delphi 5.0, this key
is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\5.0\GExperts[-1.1]\ Because
of this, you can transport your preferences to a new
computer by opening regedit.exe, finding the
appropriate registry key, exporting the key to a .reg
file (using the Registry menu), and then executing the
.reg file on the new machine.
- Will you please add method folding and other
custom painting to the IDE's code editor?
The functionality necessary to hide code lines is
not surfaced by the Borland Open Tools API, and it
would be unsafe and extremely complicated to implement
without help from the IDE. Adding custom painting to
the editor is possible, but as of yet nobody on the
GExperts team has had time to look into this. Feel
free to send us code contributions toward this
- Will you please add a source code formatter to
We are trying to avoid duplicating major features
provided by other free tools. There is a very nice
source code formatter by Egbert van Nes available at:
and another one at http://jedicodeformat.sourceforge.net/.
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